AIA Shanghai | Beijing: 2021 Design Awards Ceremony
On Saturday January 22nd 2022, the 4th Annual AIA Design Awards banquet was held after a postponement due to pandemic regulations. Despite this minor setback, the event proved to be worth the wait. Held at the Xintiandi Grand Ballroom in Shanghai, it was a night of warm smiles, elegant shimmering dresses and tailored suits. Guests were gathered together to celebrate design companies and their projects completed in recent years.
The AlA award is one of the most respected programs in the architectural profession. The purpose of the Annual Design Awards program is to encourage and recognize distinguished architectural achievements of architects, clients, and consultants. Collectively they work to improve the built environment by shaping the quality of life through design excellence.
The Awards Ceremony featured a keynote address from U.S. Consul General James Heller of the US Consulate General of Shanghai, AIA past presidents Christopher Chan AIA, Greg Yager FAIA, Silas Chiow AIA, leader of founding firm Sean Chiao FAIA. With greeting from our special guests The Architectural Society of Shanghai China (ASSC) President Mr. Cao Jiaming, Honorary FAIA Prof. Wu Zhiqiang and Honorary FAIA Prof. Zheng Shiling of Tongji University.
The design award banquet also functioned as an official handover ceremony for AIA Shanghai's 2021 Chapter Officers, including our new AIA President, Kathy Zhu-Schleiss, Vice President Anderson Hsieh, and Chapter Secretary Ziwen Cai.
The AlA award is one of the most respected programs in the architectural profession. The purpose of the Annual Design Awards program is to encourage and recognize distinguished architectural achievements of architects, clients, and consultants. Collectively they work to improve the built environment by shaping the quality of life through design excellence.
The award program this year includes five categories -Architecture, Interior, Urban, Unbuilt, and Significants Awards.
Meet our Master Jurors
As an international design awards program, we are proud to have assembled a wide range of architectural expertise & geographical variety among our judges.
Best of Show Award Winners
The Best of Show Award reveals the top 3 winners of the 17 project categories.

Architecture Design Awards Winners
Community architecture is the built environment that offers itself for the community, uses stimulates community participation, in a profound social, economic, environmental, inclusive sense.

Architecture Design Awards Winners
Cultural architecture is the built environment in the service of cultural society and its development, open to the public, which acquires, conserves, researches, communicates and exhibits the tangible and intangible heritage of humanity and its environment for the purposes of education, study and enjoyment.

Architecture Design Awards Winners
Architecture for Education plans and designs environments that inspire every student to excel, supporting a lifelong love of learning that is encouraged by multiple educational pathways, productive and healthy learning environments while promoting academic health and wellness.

Architecture Design Awards Winners
Hospitality architecture in the built environment relating to the activity of hotels, restaurants, catering, inn, resorts or clubs who make a vocation of treating tourists that culminates in the integrated relationship or process between a customer and a host.

Architecture Design Awards Winners
Mixed-use architecture is the practice of developing buildings and areas that have multiple uses such as retail, food and beverage, hotel, office, cultural, entertainment, public space, residence and support services.

Architecture Design Awards Winners
Office building architecture in the built environment incorporates single buildings or blocks of buildings designed to fit harmoniously within the commercial fabric, provides accommodations to the sale or lease for businesses to operate from, provides access to healthy, safe, flexible working space conducive to the productive or efficient environment for its users.

Architecture Design Awards Winners
Residential architecture in the built environment is specifically related to residential, non-commercial properties and living spaces. The residential architecture includes everything from townhomes to mansions to apartment complexes, clubhouses, showrooms and everything in between.

Architecture Design Awards Winners
Retail Center
Retail Center architecture in the built environment is a single building or real estate development primarily for the consumption or enjoyment of retail, food and beverage, entertainment, or amusement establishments principally incorporated into multi-tenant shopping centers.

Interior Design Awards Winners
Community interior architecture is the built interior environment that offers itself for the community, use or stimulates community participation, in a profound social, economic, environmental, inclusive sense.

Interior Design Awards Winners
Lifestyle Interior architecture is built specifically for the communal gathering of people related to a single example of gathering-oriented uses such as dining, shopping, entertainment, amusement or other daily necessities.

Interior Design Awards Winners
Work interior architecture in the built interior environment that showcase productive and healthy workplaces, possesses an efficient and positive environment where employees have the tools they need to perform business-related duties by significantly influencing a higher level of motivation and performance.

Urban Design Awards Winners
Urban Master Plan
Urban Masterplanning is about making the connection between buildings, social settings, and their surrounding contextual environments. Urban masterplans include analysis, recommendations, and proposals for a site's population, economy, housing, transportation, community facilities, and land use, addressing environmental, mobility, equity and inclusivity concerns.

Urban Design Awards Winners
Urban Park
Urban parks are defined as delineated open space areas, mostly dominated by vegetation and water, and generally reserved for public use. Urban parks are mostly larger, but can also have the shape of smaller 'pocket parks' which can include small accessory buildings, public art, or any other public neighborhood-related amenities.

Urban Design Awards Winners
Urban Regeneration
Urban regeneration focuses on the revitalization of underutilized assets and redistributes opportunities, increasing urban prosperity and quality of life, ensuring affordability, access to services, and involvement of local residents to promote local economic development, where public space is a key element of interventions, including the preservation of historic and cultural heritage.

Unbuilt Design Awards Winners
Community + Cultural
An unbuilt architectural project that celebrates work in either of the Community or Cultural categories.

Unbuilt Design Awards Winners
Work + Innovation
An unbuilt architectural project that sets creative standards for innovation in Office or Work categories.

Significance Awards Winners
The Architectural Significance Award recognizes a building or project that has set a precedent, was a catalyst of its time and continues to set standards of excellence for its architectural design and significance

A special thank you to this year's Awards Committees! We are very grateful for your generous support! Thank you for your passion and dedication in crafting yet another successful awards program.
2021 Awards Chair:
Todd Pilgreen AIA
Awards Committees:
Carlos Gomez, Intl. AIA
Ellen Gao
Jingwen Dera Huang
Jiakang Li
Ken Yip, AIA
Rachel Chen
Rui Bao
Xudong Zhao
Yuchang Chang, AIA
Ziwen Cai, Assoc. AIA
A special thank you to this year's Design Awards Sponsors! We are very grateful for your generous support!
Platinum Sponsor:
American Hardwood Export Council
Program Sponsors: